Thursday 10 September 2009

Camera Angles

Extreme Close-Up
This shot magnifies the subject to view what normally can't be seen at normal length.It is used to see an emotion the person is feeling and the reaction the face gives off, such as a smile or a twitch. It is used to create drama such as tension or suspense.

Big Close-Up
Used to show a person's feelings or reactions. this can be seen normally if a person is quite close to the subject, so this shot is usually used to show that we can trust the person, especially if they are smiling.

Close up

Similar to big close up, this is used to show someone we can trust as the only time we see someone that close if it's someone you trust, such as family or a lover.
This can also be used to make the viewers uncomfortable if it is not someone we trust and possible someone we're supposed to loath.

Medium close up

This can show the face clearly without getting unnaturally close to the subject, this stops the viewer feeling too comfortable or uncomfortable with the subject.

Medium shot

This shot is used when the subject is talking or interesting without showing too much emotion. this shot also allows hand gestures in the shot.

Medium long shot
This shot is used to see the background aswell as the subject. It is not usually used when the subject has a strong emotion.

Long shot

This shot is as close to the subject without losing any part of the subject. This also shows the background, or mise en scene.

Very long shot

This is very much like the long shot, only it's more comfortable as the subject's head and feet do not meet the frame.

Two shot

This shot is good to show a couple's relationship, whether its friendly or not. We can also follow the interaction with the two subjects.

Over the shoulder shot

This shot can be used to show the subject reactions with another. We can see how the subject feels about the other person as well.
It also allows us to view the scene as if we are in the shot with them as another person looking over someone's shoulder.

Looking room

Allows the viewer to see what the subject is looking at or allow us to comfortable watch the subject speaking with letting the subject speak into the frame.

Walking room.

Gives the subject room to walk, it allows us to see where they are walking to, so it doesn't look like they're going to walk off the frame, or bump into it.

High angle shot

This shot makes the subject seem less significant or important. It can be used to make the subject smaller and show a low level of authority.

Low angle shot

This shot creates the opposite affect as the high angle shot. It makes the subject appear more significant, and also making the subject seem bigger.

Tilted frame

This shot is used to almost control gravity for the subject. It can create the effect that the subject is upside down or at an angle.

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